Ride the Apple Isle

Submitted by Rochelle on Tue, 17/02/2009 - 20:22

14 - 21 April 2009, Tasmania
One of Australia's champion junior unicyclists, Aubin Gill, is planning to unicycle from the top to bottom of Tasmania from 14 - 21 April 2009 (just after UNINATs). The ride will be part of a school project and Aubin hopes to raise funds for charity, as well as drawing some media attention to the event.
Several experienced long distance unicyclists will be joining Aubin: Tony Melton (NZ), Barry and Nic Clearwater, Sid Rajan, Matt (mr impossible) Thomas and Tynan Rollo. The event is shaping up to get very good media coverage and is scheduled to finish in Hobart at the busy Parliament House gardens during the Saturday Salamanca market, then continue to the south tip of Tassie. Fortunately, Aubin has now grown the extra 1 cm to be able to fit on the required 36” ‘Coker’.
If you are interested in joining in this ride, then contact the AUS and we will pass on your details.