Flatland competition

Submitted by Rochelle on Sun, 15/03/2009 - 21:50

For the first time, Uninats will be holding a flatland competition. The flatland comp will be held at Smith’s Hill High School on Saturday 11 April, and will be judged by the judges of the freestyle comp. Not sure what flatland is? Here are the official IUF rules:
3.4 Flatland Overview
AGE GROUP: Junior (0-14) and Senior class (15-UP), male/female separated (3 riders are the minimum requirement for each category). If there are less than 3 riders for one of the categories, those riders will compete in the older age groups. If there are less than three females or less than three males overall, the male and female categories are merged.
TIME LIMIT: Two minutes. Competitors are allowed to go over the time-limit (as long the line was started before the limit elapsed, and as long the line is continued without interruptions).
UNICYCLES: Any type and any number.
MUSIC, COSTUME AND PROPS: Riders are encouraged to bring their own music, but it is not judged. Costume is not judged. Host can provide props (for example: a grind bar) for all, and they can be removed easily for riders who want them out of the way. Competitors are also allowed to bring props (for example: a Basketball, second person for acrobatic assistance, special small obstacle.....) but these props must be available for all competitors. Competitors must announce any planned props at least four weeks before the competition starts. If the host allows the announced props, he should also inform all registered competitors about it immediately.

Video Competition

Submitted by crisb on Sat, 07/03/2009 - 14:41

Uninats 2009 will once again hold a Video Competition!

Currently scheduled to be held during the party on Saturday night (as in 2007), the competition provides a chance to show off the best of your riding and editing skills to an appreciative audience. There might even be prizes!

Rules & Info:

  • You can't enter a film you entered in a previous Uninats!
  • Films should be no more than 5 minutes long.
  • We'll use a laptop to play the entries, so we can probably play most file formats and USB media (USB sticks/drives etc.), but to be on the safe side, you should probably bring a regular DVD as well.
  • You can make multiple entries, but if we have too many entries, you'll need to give an order of preference and we may play only 1.
  • Other rules might be made up as we go along!

For inspiration, see some of last years entries and winners at the Uninats 2007 Photos and Videos page.

Uninats 2009 Poster

Submitted by crisb on Sat, 07/03/2009 - 11:40

Here is the Uninats 2009 Poster, designed by Ashley Curtis, winner of the poster design competition. Printed copies have been distributed to groups and shops, but you are welcome to download and print your own for your local group, shop or bedroom wall..

The file is available as a large size attachment below.

Ride the Apple Isle

Submitted by Rochelle on Tue, 17/02/2009 - 20:22

14 - 21 April 2009, Tasmania
One of Australia's champion junior unicyclists, Aubin Gill, is planning to unicycle from the top to bottom of Tasmania from 14 - 21 April 2009 (just after UNINATs). The ride will be part of a school project and Aubin hopes to raise funds for charity, as well as drawing some media attention to the event.
Several experienced long distance unicyclists will be joining Aubin: Tony Melton (NZ), Barry and Nic Clearwater, Sid Rajan, Matt (mr impossible) Thomas and Tynan Rollo. The event is shaping up to get very good media coverage and is scheduled to finish in Hobart at the busy Parliament House gardens during the Saturday Salamanca market, then continue to the south tip of Tassie. Fortunately, Aubin has now grown the extra 1 cm to be able to fit on the required 36” ‘Coker’.
If you are interested in joining in this ride, then contact the AUS and we will pass on your details.

UNINATs Poster Competition Winner

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 17/02/2009 - 11:08

Well done and thanks to those who entered the poster competition. Apologies for my slackness in uploading them to the website for judging by the public. In this absence, a small panel of judges has determined the winner to be Ashley Curtis.

Congratulations Ashley on winning a free ticket to Uninats.

Scott, UNINATS Organiser

Calling for unicyclists for Bike Week event at Kallangur, Queensland

Submitted by Rochelle on Fri, 06/02/2009 - 18:00

from 3.00pm, 14 March 2009
Pine Rivers Uniting Church
30 Narangba Rd, Kallangur (QLD)
As part of Bike Week '09, a bike fair will be held in the Pine Rivers Uniting Church grounds at Kallangur in Queensland, from 3pm.  Organisers are looking for unicyclists to join in the festivities, set up a stand and put on a demo.  The fair will include stalls and displays from clubs (including MTB and Roadies, as well as a BUG so far), gym, running, stretching, spin clinic etc, videos, a BMX display, coffee van, children's bike safety check-up and more.... There will be a barbecue available from 5.30pm and the movie night kicks off from 6.30pm.
If you are interested in getting involved, please email Wayne.

Unicycling 'round the world....

Submitted by Rochelle on Thu, 05/02/2009 - 23:13

For those who are heading off shore, here are some events to keep you entertained...

British Muni Weekend '09

Hosted by JUST
27 February - Sunday 1 March 2009
Hamsterley Forest, County Durham
For more information about the first British Muni Weekend for 2009 and how to register, see the unicyclist.com website. 

Coupe de France de Monocycle 2009

11, 12 and 13 April 2009
Information is available about this event (in French).

North American Unicycling Convention & Championships 2009 (NAUCC09)

Sunday, 26 July - Saturday, 1 August, 2009
Kennedy High School, Bloomington, MN
Hosted by Twin Cities Unicycle Club
See the NAUCC09 website for information about this event and how to register.

Goodbye and good luck to Reubin and Dylan, off to join the circus!

Submitted by Rochelle on Thu, 05/02/2009 - 22:28

The Sydney Unicycle Hockey players want to wish Reubin and Dylan all the very best for their move to Albury to join the famous Flying Fruit Fly circus. Reubin and Dylan have been a great asset to Sydney Unicycle Hockey, not only lowering the average age of the team by about twenty years but also playing a fierce game of hockey. But alas for Sydney, the boys have been spotted by talent scouts and are off to join the circus. We hope they have lots of fun and find some time to keep their unis spinning....