ACTURS 2009 end of year awards
By Rod Lambert, ACTURS club president
Congratulations to Canberra riders on a very successful year in 2009. The club had a lot of new riders in 2009 who have all done very well while experienced riders have continued to learn new skills as well. Unicycle hockey continues to be very popular each week and sometimes it has been a tight fit in the school hall. The younger riders have learnt to do “thread the needle” with a nice turn of speed and can now include it in their routine at displays.
ACTURS gave displays at Floriade and the Canberra Multicultural Festival in 2009, as well as a number of fetes. Highlights for the year included club members competing at the Asia Pacific Unicycling Championships in Hong Kong, the Revesby weekend and at Unicon XV in New Zealand.
Congratulations to the 2009 Club award winners:
- Mai Liney - Best 1st year girl rider
- Lauren Van Oosten - Most improved girl rider
- Darcy Matthews-Nally - Best 1st year boy rider
- Koh Bouckaert - Best Male Rider
- Karl Denton - Best Senior rider
- Rob Armstrong - Club Member of the Year
Photo: Mai and Lauren with their certificates from Rod