Upcoming Events
Unicycle Hockey mini-meet in Sydney - April 20th
As preparation for Unicon 14 (see below), Sydney Unicycle Hockey and Canberra riders are planning to get together for a day of hockey on April 20th.
The proposed plan is to meet at 11.30am (to give ACTURS riders time to come from Canberra) at the usual Hockey location in Newtown, Sydney. All riders welcome. See the Sydney Unicycle Hockey page or contact Ashley to confirm details, or just turn up for hockey as usual!
Unicyclists needed for Melbourne's 2nd Juggling Convention
26-28 September 2008, Collingwood College
Unicyclists are needed for Melbourne's 2nd Juggling Convention! Two large gyms have been booked for the
entire weekend, one will be dedicated to unicycling and the other to juggling throughout the three-day event. Events being planned include unicycle hockey, gladiators and any other craziness you might
like to do on the day... There is also a large outdoor oval which would be available for unicycling.
It's still early days so there isn't yet a website for MJC08 but Christian Parr will endeavor to send details when the website goes up. In the meantime you can send an email to mjcinfo@gmail.com and be put on the email list. You will then be updated as soon as things start to happen. Happy unicycling, and juggling.
Australian team forming for UNICON 14
As we announced in the last newsletter, the International Unicycling Convention and Championships will be held in in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark from 26 July to 4 August 2008. Ashley Curtis is gathering interested cyclists for an Australian hockey team, with six cyclists already planning to go. If you are interested please contact Ashley
The draft program is available, as well as information about registering, facilities, accommodation etc. from the UNICON website.
Australians Ride Across Vietnam
Rod Lambert
Six unicyclists from Australia participated in an organised group of 26 international riders across
Vietnam in March 2008. See full details and pictures of this wonderful ride at: www.uninam.net The Australian riders were:
- Malcolm (Mal) Bird (Chiltern Victoria)
- Barry Clearwater (Melbourne)
- Nicholas Clearwater (Melbourne)
- Geoffrey Huntley (Sydney)
- Rod Lambert (Canberra)
- Sid Rajan (Melbourne)
- Ken Looi (an ardent cruising unicyclist from Wellington New Zealand)
- and Jason Williams (proprietor for Grasshopper Adventure cycling tours) organised the tour.
Jason was originally from Melbourne - he is also a reasonable unicyclist and an inspired organiser for tours such as this.
All of the Australians were riding 36" 'Coker' type unicycles.
1. Geoff displays his unicyle adorned with "Aussie Aussie, Aussie" the kangaroo mascot

2. Rod looks like king of the kids on day four between Lang Co & Hoi An

3 Sid flys down a pass on day seven between Quang Nhai & Quy Nhon

4. Barry, Mal & Rod successfully completed their first 100k ride on day nine between Quy Non & Tuy Hoa

5. Mal can't resist hitching a ride on the main highway after the 100k ride, on day ten between Tuy Nha

6. Jason (in green) & Nic look pretty relaxed after all the riding has finished on day ten.
This trip provided a fine combination of unicycle touring, Vietnamese scenery, history and culture plus
plenty of good eating for all concerned. There is nothing like a 6-8 hour stint on a unicycle in hot humid weather, to raise a good appetite and thirst, especially when a cool local brewed beer can be purchased in a street cafe for as little as A$00.20 cents (or 2,000 Dong)!